Mott Island

About mott’s island

MOTT is an acronym for Mother OThree Tykes. My real name is Su Chin.

It was originally created when I had TWO kids. Then No.3 came along, and luckily, the “T” could also stand for Three. Heh..let’s not hope I’ll get a fourth kid!

This blog was created simply because I love to write, even if it’s just nonsense. Right now, I love writing reviews about products or services that I consider relevant to my life, my home and my kids.

I currently am based in Melbourne, Australia…where there are four seasons in a day. It’s a great place to raise a family…all by yourself! HEH! I’m also a contributing editor at Parent Reviewers and a newsletter editor at my son’s pre-school! Other than that, I’m a driver, cook, nurse, doctor, maid, gardener, and everything and anything under the hot hot Aussie sun!

I hope you’ll enjoy reading this blog… much as I enjoy writing it. Hope to see you around!

Check out our Letting Bygones Page

I think I’ll go to Boston.

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